Monday, July 29, 2013

Tufted deer

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Cervidae
Genus: Elaphodus
Species: E. cephalophus

The tufted deer has a shape of vampire as it have large canines come out from his mouth don't be scary, its canines can grow to 2.6 cm. There color are brown or black as they have a black tress on their head and a little white on their nose, also they have long necks and a small fur. The coat is rough with short and stiff hairs . 

The tufted deer living somewhat further north over a wide area of central china as they love to leave on mountains forests, the tufted deer sometimes can be a solitary or found in groups, as it is a cute species of deer.
 The mating season occurs between September and December, during which the loud barks males make could be easily heard, and a litter of 1–2 is born in early summer. The tufted deer can leave for 12 year, the tufted deer diet consist of grasses as its favorite.

From the predators of the tufted deer are leopards and humans as its near threatened .

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